In today world, we are leading a busy life.  We all rushing every day to get things done and to get it done right.  Some people too stress until they have no interest to laugh.  Too many stress can wear you down and make you sick, both mentally and physically, and it's scientifically proven!  Here I explain to you how laughter benefits us.

1.Triggers the release of endorphin

Endorphins are the body's natural feel-good hormones chemical produced in your body interact with receptors in your brains to help you feel focused, less impacted by pain and put you in a better mood. Even a fake laugh can trigger the release of endorphins! I've tried, and it works.

2.Boosts immune system

When you laugh, it's activated your T-cells. Your T-cells will immediately begin to help you fight off sickness.

3.It reduces stress hormone

No stress means no early grey hair! No over-eating because it is lower down your hormones such as cortisol and epinephrine (also known as adrenaline).

4.You sleep sound

Laughing causes the body to produce more melatonin, the hormone released by the brains that help you to sleep better. In other words, it prevents sleep deprivation. Studied has shown that laughter helps improve sleep pattern, thus combat insomnia.

5.Works your ABS

When you are laughing, the muscle in your stomach expand and contract,similar to when you intentionally exercise your abs. Meanwhile the muscle are not using to laugh getting an opportunity to relax.

6.Improves cardiac health

How does it work? When you laugh, it gets your heart pumping and burns a similar amount of calories per hour as walking at slow to moderate pace. So, what are you waiting for? Laugh your heart out!

7.Relaxes the whole body

A good, hearty laugh relieves physical tension and stress, leaving your muscle relaxed up to 45 minutes after.

8.May lead you to a longer life

A study has proven that people with a strong sense of humour live longer than who don't.

9.A natural anti ageing

Is that sound weird to you? No actually. When you are laughing, it tones the muscles of the face and improves facial expression. Laughter also increases blood supply to the face, which nourishes the facial skin and makes it glow and looks younger. My friends who are laughing more than me are the living proves and they are older than me. It's not fair!

10.Get connected!

Yes, you read it right. Even if you hardly know the other person, sharing jokes creates an instant connection through the shared sense of humour. Perhaps faster than your 4G! How can you not feel connected with someone you have shared a good laugh? Unless you are a stone that has no feeling at all. Think! If you live with someone who always cross (like a guard dog) how is the connection with them gonna be? The connection is probably barely there even though you know the person long enough.

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